What is a returning student?
A student that attended CMU/MSC for at least one semester as a degree-seeking student, 已获得分数, left more than one semester ago and is returning with or without potential transfer credit.
Note: Note: If you previously attended as a concurrent student, you will complete the first-time undergraduate application
离开一个学期? You may not need to apply.
Students only away for one semester (excluding summer) will have a hold on their account. To remove the hold please submit the Stop Out Update Hold form to verify your residency, address and phone number. Please contact the Registrar's Office at (电子邮件保护) 或者是970.248.1555 with any questions. Registration can be done once all holds have been resolved and a returning student application is not required.
Away for one year or more? Follow the instructions below:
Complete the Colorado Mesa University application
申请再入学. Choose the CMU application even if you are pursuing a 卡pp电子极速糖果的科技 major.
Do you need to pay an application fee?
返回的学生 DO NOT need to pay an application fee.
Prepare your class schedule
Research courses needed for your degree
To obtain a program sheet detailing degree requirements, click here or visit the academic department for your major.
Meet with your advisor & 计划你的时间表
If you have not yet declared a major, visit IRIS 卡内基梅隆大学 or WCCC. If you declared a major and not yet been assigned a faculty advisor, please visit the academic department for your program.